Dynamic Enrollment Marketing Duo Receives Best of CASE District VI Award

While the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) celebrated its 50th year as a global nonprofit, two Westminster College employees earned the respected organization’s highest honor for recruitment-piece design.
Kristina Bright, Executive Director of Enrollment Marketing, and Laura Harcharick, Enrollment Marketing Specialist, won the Best of CASE District VI Award on Oct. 23. Recruitment materials created by the Bright-Harcharick team beat entries submitted by colleges and universities from district states such as Colorado, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming.
Westminster recently caught up with the creative duo to learn more about the outstanding pieces that authentically show all the College has to offer potential students.
Please tell a little bit about your background with the CASE district awards.
Kristina: Laura and I previously worked at William Woods University and won a gold award for recruitment design. CASE has done away with the gold, silver and bronze awards and now just gives away three Best of CASE awards. The other two winners this year were Kansas State University and the University of North Dakota Alumni Association & Foundation. This is the first time we have entered for Westminster.
How did CASE evaluate for the award?
Laura: Entries needed to demonstrate a comprehensive approach to successfully implementing a branding initiative for a department, division or other subunit within the institution. Planning, strategy and outcomes were evaluated, as well as creative solutions. We also needed to demonstrate a connection to an overarching institutional brand identity and strategy.
Kristina: The nominations were scored from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) in five areas: overall concept and creativity, impact and results, strategy and methodology, understanding of the target audience(s), use of resources (budget, people, and time) and return on investment. Judges could also consider quality and clarity of the nomination and supporting materials and special circumstances, such as how we overcame adversity.
How do you all feel about winning?
Kristina: We are beyond thrilled. It’s a testament to the hard work, creativity and collaboration that went into showcasing the unique and transformative experience Westminster College offers to students. This recognition inspires us to continue raising the bar in telling our story.
Laura: Winning this award is such an honor and a reflection of the passion we have for connecting with prospective students. Crafting these materials was a labor of love, and it’s exciting to see our efforts recognized. Westminster is a special place, and we’re proud to share that through innovative and impactful design.
What’s next for you? What are you currently working on?
Kristina: In higher ed, admissions offices typically use their recruitment materials for three recruitment cycles, so this next year is our redesign year. We spent a day a couple months ago brainstorming ideas for next year, reviewing current trends and working on concepts, so that will be our focus in the new year.
Congratulations, Kristina and Laura!