Westminster Greek Week Raises $1,000 for Circle of Sisterhood

All eight fraternity and sorority chapters at Westminster College recently participated in Greek Week, an annual celebration featuring a week full of events and competitions encouraging togetherness, philanthropy and celebrating the Greek organizations on campus. By the end of the week, February 21 – 24, Westminster fraternities and sororities had raised $1,000 for Circle of Sisterhood, a nonprofit organization raising financial resources to help improve access to education for girls and women around the world.
Organized by the Panhellenic Council and supported by Order of Omega and IFC, the 2017 Greek Week followed a TV game show theme, with popular events such as “WestMo Wipeouts,” featuring a Wipeout-inspired obstacle course, and Family Feud, following the well-known game show format. Fraternities and sororities also participated in the weeklong Penny Wars and enjoyed a special viewing of a clip from Half the Sky, a PBS primetime documentary about turning oppression into opportunities for women around the world.
“It was great to see the entire fraternity and sorority community take ownership over the weekend’s efforts and support such a great cause,” says Nicole Elliott, assistant director of Greek Life. “The first night of Greek Week, we saw approximately 100 Greek members turn out to view Half the Sky — this really kicked off the week right to have awesome participation at the week’s events.”
Fraternity and sorority members earned points for their participation and prowess throughout the week. Earning the highest total combined points, Kappa Kappa Gamma came out on top as the 2017 Westminster College Greek Week winner.
Special thanks goes to Nikki Testerman, Bridget Ringwald and Jeremy Hill, the student leaders who helped make the week such a success.
To learn more about Greek life at Westminster College, visit westminster-mo.edu/studentlife/greek-life.
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