Tagged: Admissions

Grading the New SAT

Full disclosure:  I hated standardized tests as a student and was deathly ill before each try at the SAT and the GRE.  I’m one of those self-proclaimed “don’t test well” people, yet I managed...

Students Share Advice for Scholarship Day

Scholarship/Leadership Day at Westminster is an on-campus event to qualify for our highest scholarship honors and awards up to full tuition. Below, current students who have been through Westminster Scholarship/Leadership Day interviews share their advice...

Advice to My Younger Self

If you could go back to your senior year of high school, what would you tell yourself? Members of the Westminster Ambassadors (posing for a photo at the 2013 TAG Day above) share advice for their...

Faculty Advice for Scholarship Day

We will welcome bright groups of potential future Blue Jays on campus for Scholarship/Leadership Days on February 21 and March 7. Below, faculty offer advice for students who will be interviewing for scholarship dollars,...