Student accomplishments in Political Science

As the 2013-2014 school year comes to a close, we would like to highlight some of the student accomplishments from the year in the Political Science department.

Lake Moore, ’15, won the Alpha Chi Nolle Prize and a $1,500 scholarship for his paper, “On Gerrymandering and Political Polarization in Congress.”

Richard Sterns, ’14, Aristotle Butler, ’15 and Dylan Ross, ’15 presented papers at the 22nd annual Illinois Conference for Students in Political Science at Illinois State University on April 4, 2014.

Sterns also presented his paper at the Undergraduate Scholars Forum, where his paper was voted one of the two best papers at USF.

Alyssa Baker, ’14, Michael Applegate, ’14, Chris Givan, ’13, and Ryan Harrison, ’15 co-authored with Professor Tobias Gibson on various topics on the Encyclopedia of Deception.  Topics include, Iran-Gate (Reagan), Winston Churchill, Dwight Eisenhower and the Department of Defense.


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