New Health and Science Majors and Minors

Huge student demand and a promising industry trends for career in health and wellness have led to new academic offerings and professional opportunities in Westminster’s Health and Exercise Science Department (previously known as Physical Education Department).
The department now offers majors in the following:
Exercise Science,
Health and Wellness,
Education: K-12 Physical Education,
Sports Management (in conjunction with the Business Department).
In addition, the department also offers minors in Coaching and Global Health.
The interdisciplinary coursework and expanded learning opportunities of these majors and minors will prepare Westminster students for a broadening scope of career paths in health and fitness such as health care professions (physical therapy, nursing), graduate school in health and exercise science fields, careers in sports (sports marketing), health and fitness (personal trainers and fitness specialists), and physical education teachers. The Global Health minor expands on students’ interests in other major areas such as business, science, and language.
As seen in the Summer 2013 issue of the Leadership Magazine. Visit the Westminster College website to see the full list of majors and minors offered.