Join the Westeryears Facebook Page and Share Your Memories

As alumni and members of the Westminster community read through their latest edition of Westminster Today, hopefully, a new column called “Westeryears” has piqued their interest. Westeryears shines the spotlight on some footnotes in the illustrious history of the College. Huge thanks to Angela Grogan, Director of Library Services, her Reeves Library staff and Kathy Renner with Serial/Electronic Access and Resources in particular for their assistance with this project.

Now a new Facebook page called “Westeryears: Memories of Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri,” has been established, in conjunction with this column, and the Marketing Department hopes everyone interested in all things Westminster will join.

As the page says, “Westeryears is a page where members of the Westminster community, past and present, and their friends will find stories about Westminster’s past and can post their own wonderful memories.”

The Marketing Department encourages members to post their own funny and warm memories, a favorite photo, start a discussion with other alumni about their recollections of a shared memory, post a question about Westminster’s past that someone can answer, try to reconnect with an alumni friend they have lost touch with, or ask help with identifying people in a photo. The opportunities are endless as the membership on this forum grows.

Please click here to join the Westeryears forum and start sharing those memories of your Westminster experience.




Westminster College

This is the editorial account for Westminster College news team. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or comments.