Jane Jackson, Institutional Program Director at Brookline College

Hometown: Tempe, AZ; grew up in Columbia, MO
Graduation year: 1992
Major: Applied Biology in Physical Education (self-designed)
Sorority: Kappa Alpha Theta
What other degrees have you earned?
M.S. in Exercise Physiology, University of Arizona; AAS in Physical Therapist Assisting, State Technical College of Missouri
What is your current career position?
Institutional Program Director for the Physical Therapist Assistant Program at Brookline College in Phoenix, AZ
Please describe your current work.
I am responsible for all aspects of the Physical Therapist Assistant Program, including managing two full-time staff members and two adjunct staff members. Responsibilities also include teaching, advising, mentoring and assisting with clinical placements, curriculum management, scheduling, as well as advocating for the profession at the state and national level. I have been in this program director role since Aug 2018.
What are your future goals?
My future goals are to continue to build this program to be one of the best in the state, to continue my advocacy for the profession of physical therapy, as well as continue to grow in my leadership skills in higher education.
In terms of your professional life, what would you say is your overarching purpose today?
Advocating for and educating students to achieve their goal of becoming a physical therapist assistant; or, generally, helping them improve to provide better lives for their families.
How did your time at Westminster help you find your purpose?
Being involved in Westminster Athletics as well as Greek Life allowed me opportunities to learn leadership skills.
Did your liberal arts education allow you to uncover particular passions that you’ve carried into your career?
I was never one of the top students in my classes, so one of the biggest lessons that I learned was the value of hard work necessary to accomplish goals. I truly value my liberal arts education and rely on it in my current role. The changes that are occurring in the world today are better understood because of my liberal arts foundation. I am better able to relate to my current students because of the variety of courses that I was exposed to in the Westminster curriculum.
Were any relationships you formed at Westminster particularly influential in helping you find clarity of purpose?
Athletic Director Jim McEwen and the entire Athletic Department were extremely influential in my growth as a person, providing me with unending support, encouragement to improve and perseverance to achieve my life goals.
What does being a “leader” mean to you?
Being a leader to me means helping others become better than what they are currently, focusing on the growth of others instead of personal growth, being authentic, having a vision for making situations/circumstances better and managing change.
What does success mean to you?
Success to me means that I am helping others to grow and improve; the leadership vision that I have is coming to fruition.
What is it about Westminster that makes it the kind of community that empowers students to discover their purpose and find success?
Being a small, liberal arts college allows students opportunities in a variety of settings, be it athletics, Greek life, or academics, to learn leadership skills.
Do you recommend Westminster to prospective college students?
Yes, for great academics and small college atmosphere.
Favorite Westminster faculty member?
Dr. Warry Williams
Favorite spot on campus?
The Historic Gymnasium. Lots of great memories!
Last book you read?
Dare to Lead by Brene Brown
Favorite app?
Google Maps — helps me to avoid as much traffic during my daily commute
Favorite way to spend a Sunday?
Relaxing, cooking out