Forensic Psychology: Spring ’15 Course Preview

Interested in studying crime and how criminals think? “Forensic Psychology,” to be offered in Spring 2015, might be the class for you. The course introduces the basic principles surrounding interactions between psychology and the legal system.
In “Forensic Psychology,” students will learn about …
- the role of forensic psychologists,
- use of psychology in the selection of law enforcement officers,
- techniques in criminal investigations,
- risk assessment,
- child custody cases,
- interrogation and confessions,
- insanity and competency to stand trial,
- and death penalty trials and appeals.
Students will have the opportunity to apply the principles that they learn in class to case examples. Students who enjoy the course may also consider taking advantage of the Westminster’s partnership with Fulton State Hospital. The partnership provides students with the opportunity to shadow psychologists working at Fulton State Hospital during a year-long internship.
“Most careers in forensic psychology require graduate training,” says Alicia Pardee, who will teach the course. “However, students will learn basic concepts of forensic psychology that they can apply to careers within psychology, the legal system, or both.”
Students who have taken one of the prerequisites (POL 112, POL 211, PSY 113, or SCA 3111) and who are interested in psychology, the legal system, or both should consider taking this course.