Category: Westminster Stories

‘Holiday in the Trenches’ Exhibit to Open During Full Weekend of Seasonal Events at America’s National Churchill Museum 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE      Fulton, Mo. ‒ America’s National Churchill Museum on the campus of Westminster College announced today that a unique student-created, curated and displayed exhibit will officially open on Dec. 3, with a Members...

Third Annual Veterans Day Celebration to Take Place at 12 p.m. on Nov. 11 at Westminster’s Veterans Plaza

Fulton, Mo. – Veterans and the general public are cordially invited to attend Westminster’s third annual Veterans Day Celebration at 12 p.m. on Nov. 11 at Veterans Plaza, located at the south entrance of...

Churchill Singers to Conduct Special Fall Performance at 6 p.m. on Nov. 6 in the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE      Fulton, Mo. ‒ Nov. 1, 2022: Westminster College is pleased to announce the Churchill Singers will conduct a special fall performance at 6 p.m. on Nov. 6, 2022, in the Church of...

World Chess Champion and Russian Pro-Democracy Leader to Address Consequences of Putin’s Ukraine Aggression

Fulton, MO, September 26, 2022 – Garry Kasparov, former world chess champion, Russian pro-democracy leader, and chair of the New York-based Human Rights Foundation, will describe the dangerous similarities between Vladimir Putin’s current aggression...

Westminster College Maintains Increased Enrollment for Third Consecutive Year and is Named One of Nation’s Best for Economic Mobility

Fulton, MO – While enrollment at four-year colleges and universities continues to decline nationwide, Westminster College in Fulton, MO, has maintained an enrollment increase for three consecutive years. As classes begin this week, the...