Category: Global and Transnational Studies

Alumnus Accepted into Four Prestigious Graduate Programs Attributes Success to Exceptional Education at Westminster

Alumnus Sayidcali Ahmed, ’23 ΦΔΘ, attributes the exceptional education he received at Westminster College to his acceptance into graduate school at four prestigious universities: Harvard University, Duke University, the London School of Economics and...

Jonathan Banza wears a suit, blue shirt, and tie and stands behind a Nasdaq podium.

More Than a Just Bite Out of the Big Apple: How the BBIC New York Trip Made Wall Street Within Reach for Jonathan Banza

Jonathan Banza, ’24 ΦΔΘ, is a self-described global citizen who easily articulates why the Blue Blazers Investment Committee’s biannual trip to New York is so impactful for Westminster students. Prior to the trip, Banza...

Westminster Senior Earns Four Degrees, Receives Numerous Accolades, and Heads to Graduate School in Washington, DC

The New England Political Science Association invited Cameron Gehlert, ’22 ΦΔΘ, to present a scholarly paper at the organization’s annual conference on April 30, 2022, in Bretton Woods, NH. Gehlert additionally was named a...