What are Blue Jays thankful for?

With Thanksgiving approaching, we asked a few of this year’s new students to share what they are thankful for.
Karley Long ’18 (above) is planning to major in Business Communication with a minor in English. She participates in Student Government Association, Campus Activities Board, Student Foundation, the Honors Program, Kappa Alpha Theta, and is a Blue Diamond Dancer.
“I am thankful for my teachers at Westminster College. They have made my first year here a very easy transition. I am honestly learning a lot in all of my classes, and the teachers are always available to answer my questions and provide me with additional help. I am also thankful for the many opportunities Westminster has given me to be involved. It feels great to be a part of something bigger than myself.”
Manfredo Flores ’18 is planning to major in Psychology. He participates in International Club, Phi Delta Theta, and is the public relations chairman for Spanish Club.
“This year I am thankful for all the new experiences I have been able to have here at Westminster and for all the amazing people I have met. I am also thankful for the fact that I am here, so far away from my country, because getting the opportunity to experience studying abroad at a great college like Westminster has been a blessing.”
Sydney Sexton ’18 is planning to major in Accounting and minor in French. She is a part of ECoS, the Westminster Columns, Le Cercle Français, and Student Foundation.
“I am thankful that I have a car on campus, because it gives me independence and allows me to go wherever I want. Along those same lines, I am thankful that my dad lives in Columbia. I can go visit him anytime I want and he buys me dinner when I want to go out for food. Also, I am thankful that I have the best roommate in the world, Stefanie Eggleston. I am happy that we are roommates and that Westminster brought us together to help us form a strong friendship.”
Adam Mundle ’18 is planning to major in Accounting and Economics. He is a part of Phi Delta Theta and plays for the men’s baseball team.
“I am thankful for my teachers here at Westminster College. Before college, I had heard horror stories about professors that were more concerned with their research than their students. I have not encountered that at all here at Westminster. My teachers have been very engaging and helpful when I have had questions. I am also thankful for the Westminster cable box. It is very nice to have a lot of channels I had at home.”
Stef Eggleston ’18 is planning to double major in English and Business Communications. She is a member of ECoS and the Westminster Columns.
“I am thankful for all my friends and suitemates at Westminster. I was nervous to come to college because I come from a small town and have had the same friends my whole life, so I wasn’t sure I would be able to find good friends so quickly. I am also thankful that I can call my parents and talk to them on the phone any time that I really want to talk, and that they always welcome me home with home cooked meals.”
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