WestMO 101: Why is Winston Churchill a big deal at Westminster?
Ever wonder why Winston Churchill is so important to Westminster College?
Hear from Veronica Tuthill, ’16, about the importance of Churchill, his 1946 Sinews of Peace speech, and the National Churchill Museum. Plus, she shares how her experience as a museum staffer adds to her education as a biology and history major at Westminster. She plans on a career in police work after her graduation.
Below, Churchill at Westminster College in 1946. Seated to the left of the podium, President Harry S Truman.
Stop by the National Churchill Museum, open daily 10 to 4, to learn more about Winston Churchill.
Free for museum members, Westminster College students, and Callaway County schools.
Adults: $7.50
Seniors (65+): $6.50
Youth (12-18) and college students: $5.50
Children (6-11): $4.50
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