Westminster’s Giving Tuesday Declared a Success

Westminster’s Student Ambassadors. pictured above, led the recent Giving Tuesday challenge on campus.
The Tuesday after Thanksgiving isn’t just for shopping anymore. Westminster College students, faculty, staff, and alumni actively participate in the national day of giving known as Giving Tuesday.
Since 2012, the giving campaign is known nationwide for raising funds for a variety of organizations during a time when others begin to focus on buying gifts and throwing parties. At Westminster, the Student Ambassador organization manages the campaign along with Sarah Munns, Director of Alumni Engagement.
“Early awareness of the Westminster Fund is important to long-term student giving and continued alumni giving,” Munns says. “Every dollar counts.”
Munns explains that the Westminster Fund supports the College and students in areas where it is needed most. The fund supports scholarships, academic programs, faculty, athletic programs, and career development. You can learn more about the Westminster Fund here.
Through the social media tagline #GivingTuesday, Student Ambassadors are regularly featured on Westminster’s Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook accounts during each Tuesday in November. Signs are placed throughout campus as a reminder the campaign is underway, with the intent of collecting money on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.
Student Ambassadors such as Philanthropy Chair McKenna Peters ’19 ΚΚΓ and Mason Evers ’19 ΔΤΔ shared their stories about why they give to the Westminster Fund.
Peters says the fund not only helps pay for her education through a scholarship, but it also allows students to take advantage of unique opportunities at Westminster. For example, Peters recently traveled with a professor to Rwanda and Tanzania. “The experiences and opportunities made possible by the Westminster Fund are invaluable to students and are part of what makes Westminster College so reputable and special,” she says.
Student Ambassador and Philanthropy
Chair McKenna Peters ’19 says the
Westminster Fund helped her take
advantage of an educational opportunity
in Rwanda and Tanzania.
Evers echoes Peters’ remarks. “The Westminster Fund is vital to Westminster College’s continued success,” Evers says. “I could not be more grateful to have been a part of this year’s Giving Tuesday.”
On Nov. 27, Peters, Evers, and the rest of the Student Ambassadors — along with the help of staff members — collected from students, faculty, and staff in Hunter Activity Center.
Student contributors included Phi Delta Theta members, Delta Tau Delta brothers, and Kappa Gamma sisters. Two alumni matched the Delt contributions, while three Kappa alumnae matched the Kappa gifts.
Members of the Alumni Council voted on and approved matching student giving up to $1,500. They pledged to match the individual student contributions, which came to $1,103.
In all, total gifts came to $9,088 from students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, and friends of the College.
Left, Sarah Ayers ’21 ΚΑΘ, Mason Evers ’19 ΔΤΔ, and other Student Ambassadors,
right, collected money on Nov. 27 at Hunter Activity Center from students, faculty, and staff.
Evers says that although Giving Tuesday was a combined effort with all Student Ambassadors, he gives special thanks to Peters, who coordinated the event this year. “I would also like to extend my gratitude to Westminster’s invaluable alumni for their support,” Evers adds. “WestMO’s Giving Tuesday represents the power of strong student-alumni engagement, and I look forward to carrying this momentum forward into next semester.”
For more information on giving to the Westminster Fund, please contact Chief Donor Relations Officer Kelly Dopman at [email protected] or visit our site here.
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