Westminster United Way Campaign Kicks Off

Westminster’s 2013 United Way campaign is underway, with a goal to raise $6500 for the Callaway County United Way. Westminster College has actively supported the local United Way since its inception in 1957. Students, faculty and staff donate both time and money to the United Way and its agencies.
Below, Westminster community members share why they support the United Way and encourage others to do the same:
I talk about “leadership & service” all the time because I sincerely believe that we all need to step up when called to action, especially when the welfare of our family, friends, and community is at stake. For this reason, I have no problem with stepping up to ask you to take action in support of the United Way. By doing so, you strengthen our community and advance the common good. – Bob Hansen, Executive Director, Emerson Center for Leadership & Service
Callaway County, Fulton, and Westminster College have a rich tradition together—we have lived united for 162 years. Jane and I are delighted to serve as Honorary Campaign Chairs this year because we believe so strongly in serving the greater good by helping neighbors in need. The annual support for the Callaway County United Way provided by Westminster faculty, staff, and students makes life better for everyone in our community. Our thanks go out to all the members of the Westminster community who give faithfully to this important cause. Let’s continue to Live United—it’s the Blue Jay Way. – Barney and Jane Forsythe. President Forsythe and his wife Jane serve as Honorary Campaign Chairs for the 2013 Callaway County United Way.
I support the United Way because the funds go directly to Callaway County to help our neighbors and hometown organizations. I also like to help the College reach the Westminster employee goal.” – Phyllis Masek, Registrar
Dear Friends in the Westminster Community:
Sometime in the mid-1980s, my wife and I started working on a project to convert an old, dilapidated house on Jefferson Street in Fulton into a temporary shelter for homeless or abused people. Eventually, this project became Haven House, which has been helping people in distress for a quarter of a century. Working on and then supporting Haven House through my contributions to United Way has been one of the most meaningful and gratifying things I have done during my thirty two years in Fulton.
I have found that making an annual contribution to United Way, through the Westminster College Employee Payroll Deduction Plan, is a convenient and effective way to support a social project that is important to me and my family. All I have to do is indicate, on the pledge card that Margie Lechner sends around, how much I wish to contribute each pay period to United Way and to designate that I want my money to be used to help support Our House/Haven House, and that’s it. And then I get the satisfaction of knowing that each month I am giving back to the community and supporting a project that I want to see survive and thrive.
United Way supports a wide spectrum of worthy organizations and projects. I would like to ask you to please look over the brochure that describes these organizations and projects, find one that appeals to you, and fill out the pledge card. It’s as easy and satisfying as that.
– Dr. John Langton, Professor of Political Science
Having served on the SERVE Board in the past, I know how important the United Way funding is too many organizations in our community. From Head Start to Scouts to our Homeless Shelters, the Kingdom Projects Sheltered Workshop and more, the Callaway County United Way makes a positive difference improving the daily lives of many of our friends and neighbors. – Angela Grogan, Director of Library Services & Assistant Professor
I donate to the United Way for many reasons; because I know that the agencies funded are thoroughly reviewed, that all the money raised stays in the community, and that our community resources are pooled in order to assist the maximum number of people possible. As a single parent, there were multiple times that the services of a United Way agency made a significant difference in my life, and allowed me to better support my children. As a long-time board member and volunteer for the CCUW, I have faith in the commitment and the trustworthiness of the organization and it’s operations. I appreciate knowing that I can help more people by donating money and time to the CCUW than I could on my own. – Cathi Harris, Institutional Advancement
Westminster Faculty and Staff: To make your donation to the Callaway County United Way, please return your pledge card to Margie Lechner via campus mail or at the Emerson Center in HAC. The 2013 Westminster United Way campaign will run from Nov. 11 – Nov. 25. You’ll be entered win drawings for lottery tickets, $100 Wal-Mart gift card, gift cards for gas and more. You must complete a pledge card each year for the annual WC-CCUW campaign. If you opted for a payroll deduction last year, please complete a new pledge card to continue your giving. Thank you!