Westminster Students Offered Support Services at New Success Center

When Westminster students return in the fall, they will be greeted by a new and innovative area in Reeves Library which is the first phase in centralizing academic student support services.
After two years of study on student retention, Dr. Ingrid Ilinca, Associate Dean of Student Success, worked in partnership with Angela Grogan, Director of Library Services, to initiate the Blue Jay Student Success Center.
“This will be a one-stop shop to connect students with informational, instructional, and support services that can help them successfully adapt to the academic and social expectations of college life,” says Dr. Ilinca. “The Blue Jay Student Success Center will help our students get the most out of their student experience.”
Services offered at the Center will include individual and group tutoring; skill development for basic computer applications such as Outlook email, Microsoft Teams, MyWC and Canvas; learning and study strategies; and library research skills. Representatives from different offices and academic success mentors will connect students with other campus resources and services such as the Wellness Center, the Career Development Center, the Learning Opportunity Center, and Student Life.
“Making a successful transition to college life demands a variety of skills, from effective time management to good study habits, setting goals, forming new relationships and receiving advisement and career counseling,” says Grogan. “Our new Center will empower students to reach the educational and personal goals necessary to make this transition.”
At this phase of the conversion, students will find a welcoming, informal place to relax and visit in the front portion of the library’s south reading room on 1East with the back half of the room arranged to support individual and group study.
The primary point of service is the reception and hospitality space in LIB 107, where assigned and trained individuals from various departments and services areas will work with students.
Room 108 in the Hazel Annex is a conference/meeting room which can be scheduled or reserved as needed by service area staff.
Rooms 301 and 302 in the Hazel Annex will continue to be used for math and writing labs as well as for Tier II tutoring in the evenings.
An online schedule will be provided so students can determine the best time to stop by to receive the services they need, and no appointment will be necessary.
Specialized workshops on a variety of helpful topics will also be offered.
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