Westminster Announces the Spring 2021 Dean’s List

Westminster College is proud to announce those students named to the Spring 2021 Dean’s List for exemplary academic performance.
The list of 218 students includes 34 freshmen, 45 sophomores, 36 juniors, and 103 seniors.
The Dean’s List recognizes Westminster students who have shown high academic performance during the past semester. To be included on the Dean’s List, a student must have a 3.60 semester grade point average with at least 12 hours completed that semester.
On behalf of the College, I want to offer my congratulations to those who made the Dean’s List this semester,” said Interim President and Chief Transformation Officer Donald P. Lofe, Jr. “Each one of these students exemplifies the high educational standards of a Westminster College education.”
The Spring 2021 Dean’s List is found below. Congratulations, Blue Jays!
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