Westminster Recognized as “Great College Bargain”

In a recent blog post, “Looking for Great College Bargains,” nationally recognized college expert Lynn O’Shaughnessy recognizes Westminster College’s value and educational experience.
A higher-ed journalist, consultant and speaker, O’Shaughnessy suggests parents and students search for “affordable hidden gems.”
Click here for the full blog post from www.thecollegesolution.com.
O’Shaughnessy contributes regularly to her own college blog, The College Solution. She also writes a college blog for CBS Money Watch. She has written and/or been interviewed about college issues for such national outlets as The New York Times, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Consumer Reports, USA Today, Money Magazine and Parade Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, Associated Press, MSN Money, Huffington Post, Fox Business News, Money Magazine, Smart Money and The Early Show on CBS.
With campuses in Fulton, MO and Mesa, AZ, Westminster has also been recognized for its value and excellence by U.S. News & World Report, Washington Monthly, Forbes, The Princeton Review and more. Click here for details.