Westminster Kappa Alpha Order Fraternity Receives Two Top National Awards

The men of the Alpha Eta chapter of Kappa Alpha Order at Westminster College are celebrating two major national achievements.
Top among Kappa Alpha Order Chapters
First, the Westminster KAs recently received the top national honor given to a chapter by the Kappa Alpha Order, the George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence. This award was presented to Alpha Eta for demonstrating overall excellence in communication, community service, finances, ritual proficiency, risk management, scholarship and recruitment. The George C. Marshall award is given to the top 1% of KA chapters nationwide. This is the Westminster chapter’s third Marshall award in five years.
Top among All Fraternities in the Nation
In addition, Kappa Alpha Order was one of only five fraternity chapters nationwide awarded the Chapter Award of Distinction by the North-American Interfraternity Conference. The Chapter Award of Distinction recognizes the undergraduate chapter which is highly functioning, in compliance with NIC Standards, seeks to educate others about the benefits of a values-based fraternity experience, and works to maintain a healthy relationship with their inter/national organization. “They represent the best of the fraternity world, which says a lot about the college and the quality of the education they are receiving on multiple levels through their experience as students and members of the Greek community at Westminster,” said Dr. James M. Schmuck ‘72, Kappa Alpha order alum and member of the Westminster College Board of Trustees.