Westminster Games: Homecoming 2015

Westminster College Homecoming Week 2015, slated for October 10th through the 17th, is themed around the Hunger Games. Teams of students can sign up to participate and compete in the week’s events. See details below, and may the odds be ever in your favor.
- Groups must submit a team roster of at least 6 people to Ally Wingert ([email protected]) by October 6, 2015 at 11pm.
- Teams must pick up their Homecoming Kit between October 5 and October 9 during normal office hours in Julie Cook’s office in HAC.
- Teams must participate in every challenge and event. Failure to partake in an event will cost the group 50 homecoming points.
- Slander or malicious comments/remarks about members of other groups or groups as a whole will not be tolerated and will cost the offending team 100 homecoming points.
- Each team must designate one person as team captain. This person will receive updates from the homecoming chair throughout the week and will be expected to relay that information to the rest of the team
- Individuals may sign in on up to two rosters to count towards team participation points. However, if the event is a competition, they may only compete on one team to earn points for that team.
- All events will have sign in sheets where individuals check in. If a team has 50 percent of their roster at an event, they will earn 50 participation points (unless listed otherwise)
- Teams may earn additional points through competitive challenges at certain events.
Homecoming Week Overview
- Saturday, October 10 – Into the Streets – 12:00 PM Latshaw Plaza (Rain site: HAC)
- Groups should sign in on group roster in Latshaw Plaza by 11:45 AM in order to receive homecoming points for participation. All team members must check back in at Latshaw Plaza after their service event is completed. Half of your roster must be present in order to earn 100 points.
- Monday, October 12 – The Hunger Games Training Center – 8:00 PM in Mueller
- Each team will select 5 members to participate in a series of obstacle style events that take both physical and mental skill.
- The 5 representatives need to meet in Mueller Student Center by 7:45 PM. Rules and regulations will be given prior to the event.
- Additional points will be awarded for the top six teams.
- Tuesday, October 13 – Cornucopia Creation, 6:00 PM in Mueller Student Center
- Teams will meet in Mueller Student Center by 5:45 PM to sign in for participation points. There is no limit to how many team members can participate in this event!
- Teams will receive one point for every nonperishable food item they check in.
- Wednesday, October 14 – Parade and Pep Rally, line up at 4:00 PM
- The parade will start at 5:00 pm. Floats should begin lining up at 4:00 pm. All floats must be lined up and ready to go on the hill by 4:30 pm. You must enter at the bottom of the Hill, headed the wrong direction (enter across from the Phi Delt house)
- Floats will be judged by Westminster Homecoming staff. The floats will be judged on originality, Westminster spirit, engaging the crowd, and how well it fit the “Hunger Games” theme.
- Teams will earn 50 points if half of their roster is present.
- After the parade, everyone is welcome to the Pep Rally in the Brick District. There will be free food for anyone who has their Westminster ID or wearing Blue Jay apparel.
- Parade route: The parade will start on the Hill, head east down 7th Street, and end at City Hall. A picture of the parade route is on the last page.
- Thursday, October 15 – Homecoming Court Talent Show, 7:00 PM in Champ Auditorium
- Team members should sign in at Champ. If half of your roster is present at the Talent Show, your team will receive an additional 50 points.
- Friday, October 16 – TGIF, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM in the Dining Hall.
- Teams will earn 50 points if half of their roster is present. Sign in on your roster in the Dining Hall Atrium.
- If you are on a meal plan, scan your ID at the entry like usual. If you are not on a meal plan, your meal will be covered by CAB.
- Saturday, October 17 – Homecoming Football Game, 1:00 PM