Westminster Alumnus Makes Cover of Technology Magazine

If you picked up the December 5 magazine issue for CIO Applications, the smiling face of Westminster alumnus Greg Richard, ‘88, a member of Delta Tau Delta, from New York City, NY would be beaming back at you.
CIO Applications showcases the latest and most comprehensive collection of technology trends. This issue features an article on the molecular diagnostic and bioinformatics work of Greg’s company, Interpace Diagnostics, where he is Chief Commercial Officer.
The products and database of Interpace Diagnostics helps physicians make better, more informed treatment decisions about pancreatic cysts, thyroid nodules and other tumor types that can lead to cancer.
For over the past three decades, Greg has built an exemplary career in the health care industry and is well regarded as a national subject matter expert in the field of healthcare reimbursement and innovative product commercialization.
He was responsible for the launch of novel Molecular Diagnostic tests for pancreatic, thyroid, and esophageal cancers.
“Westminster taught me to be open to new and different experiences, something that has been essential in our rapidly changing world,” Greg says. “Westminster was a microcosm for the larger world in which I found myself following graduation and thanks to the dedication of countless people, I was ready.”
A frequent speaker at health care industry conferences, Greg has also authored and been featured in several other articles found in pertinent industry journals such as Forbes, Kiplinger’s, G-2 Laboratory Industry Report, Managed Care Outlook, Centerwatch, Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare and Applied Clinical Trials.
Many Fortune 500 companies, including large laboratory, pharmaceutical, and diagnostic organizations have hired Greg to ensure the successful launches of innovative technologies that better diagnose and treat patients in a wide variety of diseases. He has led international organizations and managed staffs in eight different countries.
In spite of his busy schedule, Greg managed to take time to answer a few Westminster questions:
What role did Westminster play in leading you to your current position?
I spent quite a bit of time hanging around the Placement Office as it was known at the time with Sally Reynolds, then the Director. She was instrumental in connecting me with the Aetna recruiters when they came to campus. Bill Bennett and Scott Boswell, both fellow Delts and Westminster alumns who were working for Aetna at the time, recruited me to join the Company right after graduation.
How did your Westminster education help you in your life and career?
My Westminster education provided me a more expansive view of the world and exposed me to new thoughts and ideas. I learned to live and work and learn among people with whom I had no previous interaction or common ideals. It prepared me for a career in a diverse and dynamic world.
What is your favorite Westminster memory?
Running behind Coach Ault’s old white pickup truck out on Highway F during Cross Country practice with him whistling every time we could stop and rest-I loved that sound (I loved him too).
What is your favorite spot on the Westminster campus?
The Delt house.
What is your favorite way to spend a Sunday afternoon?
Brunch in the City and a nap with my dogs.
Which of your achievements are you most proud of?
I am most proud of my support of the students of Westminster College. As a member of the Robertson Founder’s Circle, I have had the opportunity to support students with financial need through scholarships as well as a place to help prepare themselves for their careers or graduate school in the Richard Career Resource Center. I am also proud of receiving the Westminster Alumni Achievement Award in 2016 where I had the opportunity to see a number of my former classmates. I am also proud of my 13 years of service on the College’s Board of Trustees.
What do you consider your greatest success?
I consider my greatest success going from an English major with a Bachelor of Art’s from a Midwestern college and no training in Business, Finance, etc., to a Corporate Officer of a public Company. Based on my location, many of the employees I supervise are graduates of Ivy League Universities and include M.D.’s and Ph.D.’s.
Where do you see yourself headed from here?
I believe the next step in my career will be to move in to a CEO role or go back to a company with international operations similar to past positions I have held.
Do you recommend Westminster to prospective college students?
Yes. Because I want them to have the same amazing experience I had and the same opportunity to leverage their Westminster education into a life of success, significance, and service.