Westminster College Community Exceeds Callaway County United Way Goal

The faculty, staff and student body of Westminster College exceeded their fundraising goal for the United Way of Callaway County (CCUW) this year by $1,715 in a campus wide campaign.

A goal had been set of $6,500 but the $8,215 that resulted was an even larger victory in offering a helping hand to people in need in Callaway County.

“The annual support for the Callaway County United Way provided by Westminster faculty, staff and students makes life better for everyone in our community,” says Westminster President Dr. George B. Forsythe.  “This year that effort was indeed outstanding.  Our thanks go out to all the members of the Westminster community who give faithfully to this important cause every year.”

Westminster faculty and staff had pledge cards which were returned to the Emerson Center for Leadership & Service on campus before the campaign ended Nov. 25.   Making a contribution automatically entered donors into drawings for prizes such as lottery tickets, $100 Wal-Mart gift cards and gift cards for fuel.

The Westminster Student United Way organization had also been involved in several activities to support CCUW and conducted activities during the campaign period.  The group sponsored a blood drive in September and volunteered at the CCUW Radiothon and Blood Drive.  One of their activities during the campaign was to collecting change as donations from people in the Johnson College Inn on campus for two days.

Their largest student fundraising event took place at the end of the campus wide campaign.  They held a tricycle relay race with teams paying to participate and a ping pong singles and doubles tournaments with a “Golden Paddle” for the grand prize.

The faculty, staff and student body of Westminster has donated time and money to this local United Way since its inception in 1957.

“My wife Jane and I were delighted to serve as Honorary Campaign Chairs this year because we believe so strongly in serving the greater good by helping neighbors in need,” says Westminster President Forsythe.  “And we are so proud of the outpouring of support that came from the members of the Westminster community.  Let’s continue to Live United-it’s the Blue Jay way.”

CCUW funds 13 local agencies that provide over 200 programs and services to improve education, income and health of those in need.

In addition, the organization sponsors four community impact initiatives: 2-1-1, a 24-hour hotline to give callers information and referrals for health and human services; Born Learning, an early childhood learning approach to prepare for school success; FamilyWize, a prescription drug discount program; and cell phone and ink cartridge recycling programs.

Westminster College

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