Two New Greek Organizations Coming to Westminster in Fall of 2018

Vice President and Dean of Student Life Bomani Spell announced this week that two new Greek organization chapters will be chartered on Westminster’s campus during the Fall semester 2018: Zeta Phi Beta sorority and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity.
Zeta Phi Beta sorority was founded in 1920 at the historically black Howard University in Washington, D.C.
The organization’s mission statement is “To foster the ideas of service, charity, scholarship, civil and cultural endeavors, sisterhood and finer womanhood. These ideals are reflected in the sorority’s national program for which its members and auxiliary groups provide voluntary service to staff, community outreach programs, fund scholarships, support organized charities, and promote legislation for social and civic change.”
Zeta Phi Beta’s motto is “A community-conscious, action-oriented organization,” and its colors are royal blue and white. The sorority has 850 active chapters worldwide.
Omega Psi Phi fraternity was founded in 1911, also at Howard University. The organization’s colors are royal purple and old gold, and its symbol is a lamp.
Its cardinal principles are Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift, and its motto is, “Friendship is Essential to the Soul.”
Omega Psi Phi has more than 750 active chapters worldwide.
Learn more about Greek Life at Westminster here.
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