Tagged: Westminster College MO

Faculty Advice for Scholarship Day

We will welcome bright groups of potential future Blue Jays on campus for Scholarship/Leadership Days on February 21 and March 7. Below, faculty offer advice for students who will be interviewing for scholarship dollars,...

5 Benefits of Choosing a Small College

Small, independent college or a big university — Which is right for you? Consider these 5 benefits of a small college before making your decision. Classes are taught by real professors and experts in...

Year-End Gift Giving

The holiday season often generates a spirit of generosity.  Perhaps you have been blessed this year and desire to give something back to Westminster College before year end.  If so, thank you! The support...

What Students Say About Westminster

The college decision is a big investment, not just for the cost of tuition but also for the foundation it gives your future. Westminster students are encouraged to do more and be more, to...

6 Survival Tips for Finals Week

The Wellness Center at Westminster College offers these six tips for de-stressing and self-care during finals week. For additional coping skills/activities or to discuss any issues or concerns, please contact the Wellness Center at...