Tagged: Campus Life

Blue Blazers on Wall Street

Blue Blazers Investment Committee is headed to New York City this week, Wednesday, February 19 – Sunday, February 23, 2014! BBIC biannual trip highlights include the following stops and tours: Tour FOX Business Network...

Skate for SERVE in Photos

How often can you roller skate for the price of a canned good?  With the donation of clothing, a personal care item, or canned goods, Westminster students got to step into roller skates and...

Students Kick Off Annual Carnation Fundraiser

Kappa Alpha Theta kicks off their annual Carnations for CASA fundraiser this week in order to raise money for a well-known organization. CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates and speaks on the behalf...

Advice to My Younger Self

If you could go back to your senior year of high school, what would you tell yourself? Members of the Westminster Ambassadors (posing for a photo at the 2013 TAG Day above) share advice for their...

New Greek Leaders Come Together

Above photo, “Throw what you know!” President Forsythe throws that Kappa sign with new Kappa Kappa Gamma officers at Greek Officer Training.  On Sunday Jan 26, over 100 Greek officers attended the Greek Officer...