The Generous Supporters of the Blue Blazers NYC Trip

To successfully carry off a student trip as extensive as the visit to New York City by the Blue Blazers demands a tremendous amount of planning, but it also requires the support of time, talent, and treasure by a large group of people. This year’s visit was blessed to have some wonderful sponsors who helped make the experience so successful, and the community of Westminster wishes to thank them and acknowledge their contributions.
While BBIC students pay a fee and take care of their local transportation and any meals on the trip that are not provided, a large portion of the experience is provided for by our alumni and corporate sponsors.
Corporate sponsors, who contributed in-kind support to the trip, include Bloomberg Business News, Fox Business Network, Gabelli Funds, JP Morgan Asset Management, NASDAQ, The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Sheraton Times Square, Wells Fargo Advisors, Wells Fargo Securities, and Wells Fargo.
Greg Brennan ’86 ΦΔΘ from New York, NY deserves recognition for taking the students on a Wall Street tour. Special appreciation goes to alumni Greg Richard ’88 ΔΤΔ, New York, NY, who gave a substantial gift in kind this year, and Frank Turner ’84 ΔΤΔ from Cedar Grove, NJ. Both of these men have been longtime supporters of this New York trip, and without their early support, it is unlikely the trip would still exist. Thanks to the generosity of these individuals and groups through over $20,000 was raised to sponsor the trip. The complete donor list includes:
Amelia Ayers ’16 KAѲ | Claire Gibby ’16 KAѲ | National Down Syndrome Society |
Brock Ayers ’82 ΔΤΔ | Connor Hollrah ’15 ΔΤΔ | Jeff Palmer ’99 ΔΤΔ |
Caroline Ayers ’14 KAѲ | Eric Koestner ’98 KA | Greg Richard ’88 ΔΤΔ |
Les Baledge ’79 ΣΧ | Mary Koestner ’99 KKΓ | Katie Roberts ’12 |
Heather Biehl ’89 KAѲ | Don Lofe ’79 | Nico Roberts ’10 ΔΤΔ |
Jack Baumstark ’67 ΣAE | David Mee ’82 ΔΤΔ | Jordan ’02 KKΓ and Jeremy Teeple ’04 |
Bradley Crecelius ’14 ΔΤΔ | Marty Miller ’01 KA | |
Lauren Dolniak ’14 KKΓ | Will Miller ’16 KA | Frank Turner ’84 ΔΤΔ |
Bill Felder ’80 ΔΤΔ | Ed Mirielli | |
Kaitlin Fitzpatrick ’17 KAѲ | Bethany Moran ’97 KAѲ | Keith ’10 KA and Kathryn Ayers Wickenhauser ’11 KAѲ |
Steven Ford ’01 ΔΤΔ | National Churchill Museum | Sara Weir ’04 KKΓ |