Summer 2015 in Africa: Giving, Receiving, and the Kibungo Orphanage

Bret Robertson ’16 tells about the Westminster group’s continuing travels in Rwanda on the Humanity for Children blog.
The team visited a number of other sites that Humanity for Children has already funded, including livestock projects, women’s craft-making groups, solar powered lights for students without energy in their homes, and more. They checked on progress and heard proposals for new projects, mostly micro-business ideas.
The group also visited the Kibungo orphanage that is run by Mother Theresa’s Sisters of Charity, pictured above with Bret. Bret writes in his blog post:
“Watching the faces of the kids as we played with them and pulling some tennis balls out of my backpack was especially memorable. Although we were only able to provide temporary relief and a fun time for these kids, I’ll always remember it. As we discussed before and after that experience, we received more from the visit than they did. Sometimes it is impossible to find sustainable solutions, which is painful.”
Next, Bret and the group will be travelling on to Tanzania to help the Maasai people with health and education projects.