Westminster College Alumnus Named Volunteer of the Year by CASE

Brock Ayers, Westminster College Class of ’82, from Ballwin, MO was honored at the Joint District Conference of The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) as the Volunteer of the Year for the colleges and universities in the eight states that comprise District VI.
Ayers is a medically retired Army intelligence officer and former member of the National Security Council and White House Situation Room Staff. Currently, he serves as First Vice President of Investments with Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC in St. Louis.
Ayers was presented with the award Monday, Dec.10, at the Sheraton Hotel and Towers in Chicago, IL.
“I enjoy and appreciate the opportunity to serve a very special and unique institution, Westminster College,” Ayers told the group. “The relationships and personal connections to faculty, staff, classmates and alumni last a lifetime in many cases and help contribute to personal success and service long after graduation. I am deeply honored to receive this recognition from CASE, since there are many dedicated volunteers from the 188 institutions in CASE Region VI.”
The Volunteer of the Year Award is given to individuals outside CASE who have given time, talent and/or gifts to further the success of education through a CASE VI member institution. The award reflects voluntary service to education in a wide range of campus activities.
Ayers is well known for his devotion to helping Westminster College and the students who walk through its Columns succeed. He was recognized with the Westminster Student Government Association Alumni Service Award in 1993 and1995.
The most notable of his activities is as founder and mentor of the Blue Blazer Investment Committee, which he established in 1996. Known as the “Blue Blazers,” this group of students is given $200,000 by the College to manage as an investment portfolio in the stock market as a part of the endowment. Every two years he organizes a trip for the group to New York to visit the major financial institutions. Over 600 students have been members since the group’s inception and the Blazers have been featured on CNBC twice and generated numerous news stories over the years.
Along with helping many Westminster students become placed in prestigious internships, Ayers has helped over 20 students in the past two years to gain their first job.
“I like to give back by spending time helping our students,” says Ayers. “Because I get to know the character, personality, and work habits of many of them, it makes it easy for me to give great personal references and recommendations for them when they enter the work force.”
Ayers continues to serve in leadership positions at the College. He is a member of the Westminster Board of Trustees and has served as President of the Alumni Council and President of the Delta Tau Delta House Corporation. He is a member of the President’s Club and a Member of Parliament at the National Churchill Museum. He is also enrolled in the True Blue Society, having given to the College for 31 consecutive years.
His brother and one daughter are graduates of Westminster and two other daughters are current students at the College.
“In addition to being a valuable member of our Board of Trustees, Brock’s leadership in the supervision of the Blue Blazers makes him one of our most significant ‘professors’ as we offer Westminster students a practical liberal arts education,” says Westminster President George B. Forsythe. “Brock Ayers epitomizes volunteer service in undergraduate education and is one of Westminster’s most valued volunteers.”
More information about Brock is available athttp://www.casefive.org/conference/2012/dvi_ayers.cfm
Headquartered in Washington, D.C. with offices in London, Singapore and Mexico City, CASE is a professional association serving educational institutions and the advancement professionals who work on their behalf in alumni relations, communications and marketing, development and allied areas.
CASE is one of the largest nonprofit education associations in terms of institutional membership. Founded in 1974, CASE includes more than 3,400 colleges and universities, primary and secondary independent and international schools and nonprofit organizations in 74 countries. Led by volunteers, CASE has more than 3,500 professionals who serve as board members, conference planners, speakers and more. It serves nearly 65,000 advancement professionals on the staffs of its member institutions.
District VI includes Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. For more information about CASE District VI, go to www.casevi.org.