Subject of New Tim Robbins Documentary to Speak at Hancock Symposium

The subject of a new documentary by Actor and Director Tim Robbins is one of about 20 presenters to speak at Westminster College’s Hancock Symposium on Sept. 18 and Sept. 19.
Jeremie Loncka, Director of Prison Programming for The Actors’ Gang Project, will speak at 10:30 a.m. on Sept. 18 at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury. Loncka is featured in Robbins’ recent documentary, 45 Seconds of Laughter, for their combined effort on the theater project.
Loncka oversees programming of The Actors’ Gang Project in prisons throughout 12 California state prisons, including two reentry centers and one juvenile facility.
The purpose of the project is to develop theatrical techniques intended to unlock human potential and foster self-esteem, empathy and non-violent expression. Loncka has taught acting skills to inmates and directed the program for the last 10 years.
In 2019, Loncka orchestrated California’s first arts-based pilot program for correctional officers. He will be joined at Hancock Symposium by Major Bunton and Richard Loya, alumni of The Actors’ Gang Project.
For more information on Robbins’ documentary, which currently is being screened at the 76th International Film Festival in Venice, Italy, go here.
The Hancock Symposium is a two-day lecture series designed to bring people of international reputation to campus to lecture on topics that promote understanding of economic, social and cultural issues of international concern. All sessions are free and open to the public. Individuals seeking tickets to the highly anticipated John Findley Green Foundation Lecture, discussed below, currently are being placed on a waiting list.
This year, the first female U.S. Secretary of State, Dr. Madeline K. Albright, is the keynote Hancock Symposium speaker. Albright will take the stage as the 59th John Findley Green Foundation Lecturer at 1:30 p.m. on Sept. 19 in Champ Auditorium.
To find out more about Hancock Symposium or to view the complete list of speakers, please click here.