Unforgettable Summer Studies in Buenos Aires, Argentina

“The month I spent in Buenos Aires was the most amazing experience I’ve ever had. The privilege to learn about the culture, the language, the people, and myself are lessons that I will never forget.” – Alyssa Busken, ’16
In May 2014, nine students and two professors embarked on a month-long journey in Buenos Aires, Argentina. An agreement forged between Westminster College and the Universidad Nacional de Lanús allowed Westminster students to study for one month in Argentina.
Westminster students were able to enjoy the culture of Buenos Aires while taking courses in Spanish and Global Education at the university in Lanús. While at the university, the students also practiced their Spanish and learned about Argentina from Lanús students in daily conversation courses. They also directly experienced the Argentinian secondary school system by visiting EES Nº 7 de Lanús, “María Eva Duarte de Perón,” a local public school which welcomed the Westminster students into their classrooms.
Outside of the classroom, Westminster students enjoyed all of the color and life of Buenos Aires. Students were able to take a number of excursions, including a city tour of Buenos Aires, visits to local museums, tango lessons and a show, Argentinian cooking lessons, a visit to a zoo, and a day trip to UNESCO world heritage site Colonia, Uruguay.
Many students participated in a 4-day trip to the magnificent Iguazu Falls, named one of the Modern Seven Wonders of the Natural World. The month in Argentina was eye-opening for students as they immersed themselves in a new context, learned different cultural norms, and spoke a different language. Through their studies and their exploration of the beautiful country of Argentina, our students were able to receive a truly “global” educational experience.
More student comments …
“Inolvidable:” the Spanish word for unforgettable and the best way to describe my experiences in Argentina. While at the National University of Lanus, I gained many fond memories and learned more than I anticipated. I suggest a trip to Buenos Aires for any student wishing to have a great adventure. – Joe Bliss, ’16
Before going to Argentina I was very nervous and apprehensive about the trip. Not know very much Spanish I thought that the Argentina natives were not going to have much patience with me. It was very clear by the first day that this was not going to be the case. Everyone, and I mean everyone, was excited to see Americans in Buenos Aires. From ordering food to asking directions, everyone would take time out to be as clear as possible or even try their hand at speaking English. On top of everyone being friendly there was so much to see and do. Their culture was rich and exciting. I got to see some world class Architecture, amazing street performers, and a terrific old train station converted into a public university. The only complaint I have on the trip is that it only lasted a month. – Tyler Carey, ’15
My month in Argentina was definitely something I’m never going to forget. It was so much fun to experience an entirely different culture firsthand by living in downtown Buenos Aires and I loved getting the chance to practice my Spanish with our conversation partners at UNLa and the high school students that we visited. It was an incredible experience to tour Buenos Aires, see Iguazu Falls, learn how to tango and see an actual tango show, and eat the amazing Argentinian food! I loved my time in Argentina so much that it brought tears to my eyes when we had to leave, and if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would in a heartbeat!– Maya Sosa, ’16
My study abroad experience in Argentina was incredible! From learning with my new friends at UnLA to traveling to Iguazu Falls, I know that I’ll always remember this adventure. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is up for the trip of a lifetime. – Molly Dwyer, 16
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