Steve Humphreys to Receive Jack Marshall Alumni Loyalty Award at Westminster College
Steve Humphreys from St. Louis, MO, Class of 1983, will receive the Jack Marshall Alumni Loyalty Award at a special Alumni Honors Convocation Ceremony to be held at 10:30 a.m., April 25, during Alumni Weekend in the Church of St. Mary, Aldermanbury on the Westminster College campus in Fulton, MO.
Humphreys is Vice President and Partner of the Design Corrugating Company.
Established in 2009, the Alumni Loyalty Award is given to alumni who demonstrate a continued interest in Westminster College through their contributions of time, talent, influence and/or funds and who have demonstrated exceptional loyalty, commitment, dedication and service to the College.
In 2012, the award was renamed the Jack Marshall Alumni Loyalty Award in honor of “Mr.
Westminster” himself whose passion for Westminster College was unparalleled.
“Westminster changed my life,” says Humphreys. From the outstanding faculty to my experiences at Delta Tau Delta, I cannot imagine that I would have gotten this far in life without Westminster in my life. To be associated with an award bearing Jack Marshall’s name is an honor I never dreamt of receiving.”
Humphreys has been a member of the Westminster Parents Association Council for eight years and served as President of the organization for three of those years.
He is a member of the Westminster President’s Club and the True Blue Society.
He has been a member of the Delta Tau Delta House Corporation for 20 years, served as Building and Grounds Chairman for many of those years and has been Treasurer for the past two years. In this capacity, he organized a number of meetings with all the House Corporations.
He is an elder of the Tyler Place Presbyterian Church and has served on the Staff Recourses Committee and the Mission Council of Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church as well as serving as a deacon, usher and Sunday School teacher.
Humphreys is proud of having had two daughters graduate from Westminster-Katherine (2009) and Sarah (2013). He had the privilege of presenting her diploma to daughter Sarah at commencement.
His wife Betsy is also a Westminster graduate, Class of 1983.
“I pride myself on being a daily ambassador for the College,” says Humphreys. “I believe in and love the place.”
Westminster’s Alumni Weekend is the largest on-campus event for alumni and one of the favorite Westminster College traditions. This year’s celebration April 24-26 will include past favorites such as the golf tournament, a Bill Parrish college history lecture and dueling pianos event as well as many new events such as the William W. Robertson Bust Dedication Ceremony, a Skulls of Seven Reunion and a celebration of the 35th anniversary of Women at Westminster.