Westminster Students Gain Experience with Spring Internships

Internships can offer college students an invaluable glimpse into professional life in their chosen fields. Westminster’s Center for Career Development oversees a strong internship program that prepares Westminster students for life after graduation. Cindy Quick, Assistant Director of the Center for Career Development and Internship Coordinator, recently visited several students at their spring internship sites. Below, she reports back on their experiences.

Darren Lane, Grant Peterson, Cindy Quick, and Brett Roberts
Grant Peterson ’17, a Self-Design Criminal Justice, Law and Security major, minoring in International Business, is interning at the US Marshals’ office in the Federal Court building in Jefferson City, Missouri. He has gained knowledge of how the Marshals’ office interacts with other law enforcement entities to complete their tasks. He has also learned about the federal court system by sitting in on court hearings that were held during his time at the Marshals’ office. He highly recommends this internship for students majoring in Security Studies, Pre-Law, and others who are interested in how the federal court system works in tandem with the US Marshals office.

Margot McMillen, Kyle Stokes, and Cindy Quick
Kyle Stokes ’17 is completing a double major in Environmental Studies and Self Design Art and Environment. He is gaining valuable knowledge in how an organic farm is run and maintained at Terra Bella Farms, which is owned and operated by Margot McMillen in Auxvasse, Missouri. While interning at Terra Bella Farms, Kyle has been a part of lobbying with Margot in favor of organic farming in Jefferson City. Additionally, he has helped grow organic vegetables, tested the water in the local stream, and flagged trees that need to be cut down to maintain the surrounding forests’ ecosystem. Kyle said that he has learned so much during the time he has spent interning on the farm.

Theckla Spainhower and Cody Ford
Cody Ford ’17, who is majoring in Political Science and minoring in History and PreLaw, is completing an internship in Representative Bob Onder’s office at the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City. One of his tasks is to sit in on the house sessions and committee meetings to gain information regarding which bills have been passed or are coming up for review. He has also helped answer incoming calls from the public. According to the Director of Constituent Services in the office, Cody is very personable and pleasant to work with and is great with the public. In addition, Cody compiled all the data from the constituent survey that was sent out this spring. Cody has thoroughly enjoyed his internship experience and said that he has learned valuable information to help guide him in his future endeavors.

Elizabeth Carthen and Stephanie Bias
Elizabeth Carthen ’17, a Psychology major with a minor in Political Science, is completing her internship with Representative Randy Dunn at the Missouri State Capitol. She has been able to sit in on as many sessions as she would like to hear. The Legislative Assistant in the office said that Elizabeth is great to work with. She excels at her tasks, is great at researching information and has great enthusiasm for her work. Elizabeth is very excited about everything that she has been able to learn while completing her internship. This experience has solidified her plans for the future.
Students gain valuable work experience while completing internships. They can take the information they learn on site with them into the future no matter what they plan on accomplishing. To learn more about internships, contact Cindy Quick at [email protected] or 573-592-5382.
More information for students on Westminster’s internship program can be found here.
Employers wishing to offer an internship can find out how here.
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