SOAR Summer Orientation Days Welcome Future Blue Jays

On Saturday, May 19, a group of future Westminster students and their families arrived on campus to get acquainted with their future home at Westminster on SOAR day (Summer Orientation, Advising and Registration).
All admitted students who have paid their deposit are invited to select a day to visit campus, meet their seminar professor, register for courses, and make final preparations before August move-in. The events are a collaborative effort between Student Life, Academic Affairs, and Enrollment Services.
“Thanks to the efforts and enthusiasm of Westminster faculty and staff, students and families are happy and looking forward to move-in day,” said Kelle Silvey, Director of Enrollment Services.
Parents who accompany their student to campus can attend informational sessions on how a liberal arts education will benefit their child, as well as information about academic support and advising, financial aid, and advice on how to help their student successfully transition into college.
The first SOAR day was a great success, and even larger groups of students are registered for future SOAR days on Friday, June 1 and Monday, June 11.
Registration is open for the June 1 and June 11 SOAR days. Click here for more information, including a schedule of events. Contact Enrollment Services to pay your tuition deposit and register for the event!
Do you know a high school student or college student considering a transfer whose life would be changed by a Westminster College education? Click here to refer a student.
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