Second Donor Pledges $100,000 Matching Gift for 14 Days of Giving

A second Westminster alumnus has stepped forward to make a $100,000 matching gift as part of 14 Days of Giving. In honor of his class celebrating their 35th anniversary on campus during Alumni Weekend, Steve Bowen ’82 (Beta Theta Pi) pledged up to $100,000 to match gifts made during the two-week fundraising campaign.
Bowen’s $100,000 challenge will match any gift through the end of the 14 Days of Giving on May 7. This gift is in addition to the $100,000 gift announced last week, bringing the College’s match challenge to a total of $200,000.
14 Days of Giving supports the Westminster Fund, which provides for the general scholarship fund, academic initiatives, leadership programs, and student activities, among others.
Make a gift today to help Westminster take full advantage of the $200,000 matching gifts and meet its $1 million goal.