[Photos] Westminster Sponsors Career Day with the Kansas City Royals

Approximately 1,900 high school students learned about exciting opportunities from Westminster College at a career event at Kauffman Stadium, home of the Kansas City Royals, on Wednesday, September 13.
Jack Croghan, director Westminster’s Sports and Entertainment Business Management Program, addressed students as a member of a panel giving career advice.
“It was natural for me to sit on the panel with the Royals staff because of my MLB team experience,” says Croghan. “This experience afforded me the opportunity to tell the Westminster College story in total to the high school students and their instructors. Our liberal arts institution provides students with a competitive advantage over others. The majority of the students in attendance at Kaufmann Stadium participate in DECA and FBLA programs at their high schools. Westminster College is uniquely suited for these students.”
Jessica Haefke, Westminster’s Senior Associate Director of Enrollment Management and Communications, and Admissions Counselor Grayson Coker ’16 KAѲ represented the Westminster Admissions team at the event.
“We were the only college represented, which was awesome,” Haefke says. “Students and teachers were interested in learning about the sports and entertainment business management degree as well as leadership opportunities on campus.”
View photos from the event below.
Learn more about Westminster’s Sports and Entertainment Business Management Program here.
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