Record Number of Westminster College Students Earn Dean’s List Honors

A record number of Westminster College students have been named to the Dean’s List for fall semester 2013. This semester’s total of 385 students represents a 9% increase over last semester and the highest in the school’s history.
The Dean’s List recognizes those Westminster students who have shown high academic performance during the past semester. To be included on the Dean’s List, a student must have a 3.60 semester grade point average with at least 12 hours completed that semester.
“In light of the challenging academic program we offer at Westminster, having such a high number of students on the Dean’s List demonstrates the quality student body and high quality student instruction we have here,” says Westminster President Dr. George B. Forsythe. “I congratulate these students for their academic excellence this past semester. We pride ourselves at Westminster on preparing graduates to be leaders for a lifetime. These students represent the best of the best.”
The Dean’s List for fall 2013 included 71 freshmen, 93 sophomores, 83 juniors and 138 seniors.
Out of the 385 honorees, 76 students were international. Westminster has consistently come in first among Missouri colleges and universities in the percentage of international students on campus and was named in a tie for fifth place among all liberal arts colleges in the nation.