Need summer plans? Seize the Summer with Westminster

Seize the Summer with Westminster! Westminster offers four programs for students to get academic credit during the summer.
3-Week May Term
Current students have the opportunity to get ahead with a three-week on-campus May Term course. May Term takes place from May 12-30, with students attending class typically for three hours a day. Registration is still open with additional information and course offerings.
Online Summer Courses
Complete course work from home this summer, June 2- July 11. Courses are open to the public in addition to current Westminster students. Many courses are still available for registration.
Internship and Off-Campus Programs
Internships and off-campus programs are available in every discipline all over the world. To qualify you must be a sophomore with a 2.o or higher GPA to earn credit for your internship. Summer internship credit is $275 per credit hour, with a 50 hour working minimum to earn one credit hour. For more information contact Abigail Manwell, Assistant Director of the Center for Career Development.
Asian Summer Experience
This Seize the Summer option is offered to juniors, seniors or recent high school graduates who are looking to earn college credit. The Asian Summer Experience is an online course with two option on-campus seminars June 2 and July 11. Get more information and register for the Asian Summer Experience.