Meet Madison Ingram: From Transfer Student to Team Captain

Hometown: Bowling Green, MO

High School: Bowling Green High School

What are your Major(s) and Minor(s) and why did you choose them? I have two majors: business communication and English, with a minor in journalism – media and publishing. In high school, I loved writing, unlike a lot of students, and I actually started working on our school yearbook. Within a year I became the editor of this. I wanted to tell people’s stories, and I did this by taking pictures and writing about different events that were taking place, everything from sporting events to prom. Once you leave somewhere, what happened there just becomes one of your memories, and I wanted to share these stories with others. My English teacher in high school was also my dad’s teacher, and she hated him as a student, so when I came to high school, she expected to think the same about me, but we surprisingly bonded, and she was the person who made me love English. She taught me how to write, and through this, I discovered that writing was actually fun for me. When coming to college, I was thinking of wanting to go into journalism, but I decided that I wanted to do something bigger than this, and that’s where my business communication major comes in. This major encompasses problem-solving skills, interpersonal communication and how to write and speak — all the things I was really interested in. English and journalism both go hand in hand with that degree, bringing all of the things I love to do together.

Why made you decide to transfer to Westminster College?

Senior year of high school I actually decided on another school but that changed my sophomore year of college, which is when I decided to transfer to Westminster. There were so many things that stood out to me about this college that kept making me go back to consider it as an option. My dad’s best friend is a Westminster alum, so I think that’s where I first heard about the College. I also kept hearing stories about the College from current students at the time, and I saw how much fun they were having, and I wanted to be a part of it. I also hoped to transfer to a college that was going to challenge me more academically than my previous school had, and I knew that Westminster was a place where this growth could take place. Whenever I visited the campus, talking to coaches and students, I realized how much of a community Westminster was, and they actually wanted me to be a part of it. Now that I’m here, I feel like a big fish in a small pond.

What stands out to about the education you are receiving at Westminster?

When I transferred here, I already loved English, but I never really spoke. One of the things that really challenged me when I started at Westminster was that I was forced to step out of my comfort zone. In my classes, I was not only writing, but I was also discussing these things with others, giving public speeches, doing things that I had never been challenged to do before. Westminster College pushes you to step out of your comfort zone and become a better version of yourself.

What are you involved with on campus?

I’m editor-in-chief of The Columns as well as a writer, and I’m team caption of the Westminster softball team. I’m also on Student Foundation and a member of Kappa Alpha Theta.

Do you currently have an internship or some other off-campus job?

Yes, over the summer I started working at the Dollar General Distribution Center in Fulton, and I am continuing that this semester as the Human Resources Intern.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I really, really love baseball, so I spend a lot of my time watching baseball and looking at stats and even analytics of the games. I am also a really big movie, TV and book junkie, so I am always finding a new show to watch or a new book to read. If I’m not doing one of those things, I’m probably out hiking, listening to music or hanging out with my friends.

How has Westminster College helped you find your purpose?

Westminster really helped me find the person that I am and has also led me to find a career that I hope to pursue in the future. Coming from a small town, I recognized that many of the people from there simply never leave, and they often do the same thing their whole life. I wanted to do something bigger and different than that. At Westminster, I found my passion and my calling, and along the way, I found my voice. I now have my own opinions, and I am allowed to be my own person, without being blocked in by the four walls of a small town.

What does transitioning from Learner to Leader mean to you?

Prior to coming to Westminster, I would sit back and basically do what everyone told me to do, and now I voice my own opinion, especially in situations when I realize that there’s more than one way of doing something. I want to share my thoughts and ideas with others, and I want others to find their voices and be leaders themselves one day. Westminster has taught me how to be understanding and how to respect other people’s views, and now I can teach the same to others.

What are your career and/or educational aspirations?

My ultimate career goal would be to work for an MLB team, either working in event coordinating or public relations departments. On the other hand, I have also thought about going to grad school and becoming a college professor for speech, communications or English in general.






Sarah Rummel Backer

Sarah Rummel Backer is the Director of Media Relations and Senior Writer at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri. A proud Westminster graduate, Sarah has more than 20 years of experience in marketing and strategic communications in the areas of higher education, medicine, agriculture, and the private business sector.