Central Missourians Invited to Festival of Lessons and Carols

Central Missourians are invited to join the Westminster College community for its annual Festival of Lessons and Carols at 5 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 4th, in The Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury on Westminster’s campus.
Lessons and Carols is a community workshop service that seeks to celebrate the birth of Jesus through scripture and song.
“The holiday season can be a stressful, chaotic time.” says Rev. Jamie Haskins, College Chaplain and Director of Spiritual Life at Westminster. “Lessons and Carols provides an opportunity for those who join us to take part in worshipful reflection and peaceful contemplation of the sacred, and to carry peace and joy with them as they go about their lives.”
Patterned after the festival held at Cambridge University in England, the service includes the reading of nine scriptures pertaining to the Christmas story and carol sung and performed by the Westminster College choirs and other area musicians.
A reception will follow the service in the National Churchill Museum.
The event is hosted by Westminster College’s Center for Faith & Service. For additional information, interested parties can contact Rev. Jamie Haskins at 573-592-5262.