Westminster Kappa Alpha Chapter Named Top in Nation for Second Year

Jim Schmuck ’72 (center) and members of the Alpha Eta chapter of Kappa Alpha order display their 2015 Marshall Award. The Westminster College chapter was recently recognized as the best in the nation. From left to right, Drew Landherr ’17, Ryan Loethen ’16, Collin Brinker ’17, Kevin Knobbe ’16, Steven Ebert ’16, Ethan Lay ’16, Clayton Harrison ’17, Nick Cessna ’17, and William Miller ’16.
Each February, Kappa Alpha Order chapters nationwide are recognized for their accomplishments throughout the year at regionally hosted Province Councils. Chapters are recognized for excellence in finances, recruitment and chapter growth, communications, Project Outreach, Operation Crimson Gift, and overall chapter excellence. The highest honor that can be bestowed upon a chapter is the George C. Marshall Award of chapter excellence. This award is presented annually to the top one to three chapters in the Order in recognition for their superior operations and performance.
Last weekend, the Alpha Eta chapter of the Kappa Alpha Order at Westminster received the Marshall Award for the second year in a row. Last year three Marshall Awards were given, and this year only two were awarded. Both years, Alpha Eta was also named top Kappa Alpha Order chapter in the nation.
“The school and its KA alums can be very proud of the young men in this chapter,” says James Schmuck ’72, the Missouri advisor for the Order.
This year, Alpha Eta also received several other awards. The other awards included the Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence, the Operation Crimson Gift Award, the Excellence in Educational Programming Award, the Project Outreach Award, and the Scholastic Excellence Award.
Information about the Marshall Award was provided by the Official Kappa Alpha Order website.
The Alpha Eta chapter of Kappa Alpha Order is the epitome of what a fraternity should strive to be on Westminster’s campus or anywhere across the United States. They live their values on a basis through leadership, service and academic excellence. These efforts provide a great insight into the value of the Westminster experience.