Westminster Alumna Wins Yale Photo Essay Contest

Currently pursuing her Master’s degree at Yale University’s School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Enni Kallio ’14 recently won the 2015 Yale Journal of International Affairs Photo Essay Contest with her project entitled “A New Generation: Life in Rwanda Twenty Years after the Genocide.”
Kallio captured her award-winning photos while visiting Rwanda with Westminster professor Dr. Bob Hansen and Humanity for Children in 2014 (photo above, left, Kallio in Rwanda during that 2014 trip).
Kallio’s essay opens …
“Kwibuka? Remember? On April 6, 1994 the airplane carrying the President of Rwanda, Juvénal Habyarimana, and the President of Burundi, Cyprien Ntaryamira, was shot down. Everyone on board was killed. During the one hundred days that followed, previously inconceivable violence targeting Tutsi civilians and moderate Hutus overtook the country.”
Read the full post and see the photos.