John Burch ’20 Reflects on His Harlow Fellowship in Washington, D.C.

John Burch ’20, left, of Fulton, MO, recently caught up with Joshua Harlow ’06 of Oklahoma City, OK, following a busy summer in Washington, D.C. Harlow recently established the Harlow Fellowship with his wife, Jenna (Manning) Harlow ’06.
John Burch ’20 ΔΤΔ recently polished off his summer fellowship with WPA Intelligence in Washington, D.C., with a walk through the National Mall during the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. “My housemates and I went out at night and saw all the monuments lit up with an image of Apollo 11 projected onto the monument,” he reflects.
That fond memory is one of many Burch will turn over in his mind for life as a result of the 11-week fellowship recently established by alums Josh ’06 ΚΑ and Jenna (Manning) Harlow ’06. The political science, comparative government, and diplomacy major major is the first recipient of the Harlow Fellowship.
“Westminster College is full of young, smart, and ambitious people,” Josh says after explaining how Jenna and he were both D.C. interns. “We hope this gives the fellowship student the experience, confidence, and connections to succeed in the public policy realm.”
While at WPA Intelligence, Burch gained boots-on-the-ground experience with political campaigns. He worked with a research team to conduct research, write and edit message campaigns, put together presentations for clients, and create daily reports.
Ultimately Burch says his fellowship experience will positively influence his future, which for now isn’t set in stone but appears to be pointing in the direction of a career in Washington, D.C.
He reflects, “I want to thank the Harlows for the opportunity they gave me. I now know I really enjoy Washington, D.C., and moving back here is something I would definitely be interested in.”
As far as the Harlows are concerned, Burch’s experience turned out exactly as planned, and they hope he will be a positive influence for other Westminster students.
“Broader, we hope each student will come back to campus and raise awareness of the need for WC students to intern and be involved in the public policy process in D.C.,” Harlow says. “People who show up and speak with confidence and clarity will be the next round of problem-solvers in our country.”
To give back to Westminster College by setting up a fellowship or internship for students, or for more information about the Harlow Fellowship, please contact Mandy Plybon, Coordinator of International Student Services and the WC Internship Program, at 573-592-5382 or [email protected].