Talking Innovation with MTV’s Bill Roedy: A Hangout Recap

Westminster College’s newest online endeavor, Google Hangouts On Air, went live last week. Google Hangouts allow for webinar-type broadcasts to be viewed around the globe in an easy and engaging format. These Hangouts are also published to our YouTube page immediately following Hangouts so they can be viewed after the event has already taken place.
Westminster’s first Hangout, entitled “Talking Innovation”, covered a wide variety of topics centered around innovation. The panel touched everything from asking the through provoking “Where do good ideas come from?” to contemplating what Winston Churchill would have thought of Twitter.
A great deal of the conversation, however, focused on innovation in education. The panel discussed what place technology has in the innovative classroom, what role collaboration plays in regards to innovation in education, and finally how Westminster Mesa is on the forefront of innovative education.
Featured panelists included Westminster Board of Trustee’s member and former CEO for MTV International Bill Roedy. Other panel members included Andrew R McHugh ’13, Cofounder and Chief Curiosity Curator of The What If…? LLC, and Harmony Nelson ’15, Westminster student and International Business major. Dr. Selcen Phelps, PhD, MBA Associate Professor of Management and MIS at Westminster College served as moderator.
Keep an eye out for more Hangouts from Westminster College. What topics would you like Hangouts to cover and who would you like to see on the panel? Let us know in the comments below, via Twitter, or on our Facebook page!