High School Students To Study Global Security Issues at Westminster

High school juniors and seniors will take over the Westminster campus for four days this month to explore, confront, and challenge the global security issues facing our nation and the world today at the Westminster Institute for National Security (WINS).
Students entering the 11th and 12th grades in the upcoming school year still have time to register for this intensive, residential academy experience taking place July 23-26.
Attendees will analyze, discuss, and debate such vital topics as the use of torture in interrogations, uncovering financial fraud, responding to a biological crisis, and the role of Islam in global politics of the future.
They will learn how to assess and analyze information to turn it into intelligence briefings.
Problem-solving, role-playing, and games will be incorporated into WINS sessions.
The seminar will also examine original primary sources from the National Churchill Museum and a rare draft of the famous “Iron Curtain” speech Churchill gave at Westminster to see how the famous world statesman outlined security measures that would help the West win the Cold War.
“Westminster College has developed the Westminster Institute for National Security in an effort to teach and train high school students who are interested in homeland, national and international security issues,” says Dr. Tobias Gibson, Associate Professor of Political Science and Security Studies Director. “Helping students build historical, political, ethical and cultural context within the security nexus is a key role of this Institute.”
Dr. Gibson is a recognized national and homeland security expert and a member of the Board of Advisors for Omicron Sigma Sigma, the homeland security national academic honor society.
Food, housing, and all activities and classes for the seminar will be covered by the $500 registration fee. Participants will also be eligible to earn one hour of college credit.
For more information, contact Dr. Gibson at [email protected] or 573-592-5185.
“As our nation develops policies and continues to face varied threats from within and beyond our borders, we believe that helping current high school students and future security professionals to understand the complexities of the issues facing our nation and world is a necessary component to securing the United States,” says Dr. Gibson.
Listen to an interview with Dr. Gibson about WINS here.