Green Dot Anti-Violence Training Comes to Westminster

Two weeks ago, 30 student leaders participated in a four-hour, intensive bystander intervention training as part of the Green Dot strategy. The strategy aims at reducing the occurrence of power-based personal violence on our campus. The training provides students with ways to proactively reduce potential for violence, as well as knowledge of how to react to incidences of dating/domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking as they occur.
In addition to the 30 student-leaders, several Westminster staff members have been certified to provide training to campus groups which will equip students with the tools they need to help make our campus a safer place. In fact, in just one semester, nearly 200 members of our campus community are now aware and capable of engaging in Green Dot behaviors. This is changing our campus culture to one that is safer, more compassionate, and more aware of options for intervening when negative behaviors arise.
“Green Dot sends a message that we believe in a culture change,” says Sydney Sexton ‘18. “We want to live on a campus where everyone makes the right decisions and can feel safe.”
Green Dot training is available to any student group and can be requested by contacting the Wellness Center and/or the Office of Residential and Greek Life.