#Giving Tuesday: A Day of Gratitude and Giving

Westminster College has the opportunity along with other universities, small nonprofits, and national companies to help transform Tuesday, December 3, 2013 into the second annual #GivingTuesday, a day to kick off the season of giving. On the heels of Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, people around the world are dedicating a day to philanthropy and service.
Westminster students are kicking-off #Giving Tuesday with a celebration of gratitude event on December 3 where they will reflect on the generosity of our alumni as well as faculty and fellow students. Through social media, they will share their words of thanks, “unselfies,” and promote #Giving Tuesday and giving to the Westminster Fund.
For this special day dedicated to giving back, the college will also reach out to alumni and friends to raise funds for the Westminster Fund. Each year, the Westminster Fund (#heartofWC) supports the very heart of the college, providing essential funds for scholarships, faculty, athletics, and career development.
To celebrate the generosity of our Westminster family and to raise funds for the Westminster Fund, the college has registered on the #GivingTuesday website and can be found on the Partners section of the site.
Follow #GivingTuesday and #heartofWC on Twitter, watch for more info on Facebook, and please help spread the word!
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