Get to Know Senior Ashim Karki: West Wings Member

Hometown: Kathmandu, Nepal
How did you hear about Westminster College, and what made you decide to come here?
When I was back home in Nepal, I got a lot of help from our former recruiter Mr. Pat Kirby, and I also had two good friends who were attending Westminster. I asked them both about how they felt about the College, and I got wonderful feedback from them. My friends told me that they were learning a lot and at the same enjoying their time here. They called WestMo “a home away from home.” And they were completely right. It really does feel like a home here. Thanks to the help of Pat Kirby, the transition was very smooth, and before I knew it, I was here at Westminster a few months later!
What are you majoring in?
I am a double major in international business as well as business administration with management and marketing concentrations. I chose both of these majors because ever since I was young, I’ve always wanted to be a successful businessman, and Westminster is helping me accomplish this.
What organizations are you involved with on campus, and what do you like to do in your free time?
I am a member of a fraternity on campus, Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE), and this is where I spend a lot of my time, but other than this I also enjoy exercising, playing indoor soccer (futsal) as well as playing the guitar.
What is something that stands out to you about Westminster’s education and the programs that we offer?
Something that I really appreciate about Westminster is all the cool professors. They are always very helpful and friendly. Since Westminster is a small, private college, the professors are able to put more time into getting to know their students, to the point that they know us by name outside of class. It makes me happy to know that our professors truly care about us.
How has Westminster helped you find your purpose?
From the time I made the decision to travel all the way from Nepal to Fulton, MO, I’ve known my purpose, and this is to become a better man. What I mean by that is to get a good education, learn to think on my own and make good decisions in life. With all the experience I’ve gotten here at Westminster, I have learned a lot about myself. One thing that I have realized is that back home, I was dependent on my family for a variety of things, but I have changed this, and it is no longer the case. Westminster has helped me fulfill my purpose, and because of that I am a better individual. I can think and make my own decisions and take care of myself.
How has Westminster shaped you into the leader that you are today and defined the leader that you hope to be in the future?
Westminster has taught me many things and before coming here I wouldn’t have ever thought about committing to doing anything seriously. But now, I’ve learned that in order to achieve something, I have to work hard and deserve it. Through group work and presentations I have learned leadership skills within the classroom. More specifically, they taught me to work as a member of a group as well as a leader, and how to do this without conflicts in the group. My involvement outside of the classroom in Greek life as well as through the West Wings internship I am being able to develop more as a speaker so that in the future my audience can understand me more clearly.