Feed Your Mind Food Drive A Success!

Above, event organizers Bret Robertson ’16 and Amanda Killgore ’16.
Reeves Library and the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee recently combined forced to collect non-perishable goods to be donated to SERVE. The drive was a wonderful success with a total of nearly 1,000 food items collected. The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee’s group competition brought in the majority of the donations. The women’s basketball team won the competition with more than 430 items – nearly half of the total amount of items collected! Please help Reeves Library and the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee in congratulating the competition winners and thanking all those who participated!
Reeves Library and the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee recently combined forced to collect non-perishable goods to be donated to SERVE. The drive was a wonderful success with a total of nearly 1,000 food items collected. The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee’s group competition brought in the majority of the donations. The women’s basketball team won the competition with more than 430 items – nearly half of the total amount of items collected! Please help Reeves Library and the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee in congratulating the competition winners and thanking all those who participated!