Congratulations to the 2015-16 Epperson Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to the 2015-2016 recipients of the Robert L. Epperson – Phi Kappa Psi Scholarship, valued at $3000 for each student:
Binju Gaire ’16, Leah Norvell ’16, Katie Koonce ’16, and John York ’16.
Each year, Westminster juniors are invited to apply for the Robert L. Epperson – Phi Kappa Psi Endowed Scholarship award. The alumni of Phi Kappa Psi established the Epperson-Phi Kappa Psi Endowed Scholarship to honor Robert Epperson as their long time chapter advisor who still lives in Fulton with his wife, Joyce. The alumni of Phi Kappa Psi seek scholarship applicants that, like Robert Epperson, have significant records of servant-leadership on campus and in Fulton or their hometown communities.
Awarded to a student in his or her senior year, the Epperson Scholarship applies toward payment of the student’s tuition in his or her senior year. This award is in addition to any previous financial aid package that was awarded through the Financial Aid Office.
The actual scholarship award amount and number of recipients selected are determined each year based on the fund’s endowment investment activity.
It is great to see the new recipients for the Bob Epperson – Phi Kappa Psi Scholarship Fund. Although the Chapter has not been on the Westminster College campus since 1976, the alumni of Phi Kappa Psi wished to honor our long term adviser – Bob Epperson – while maintaining the Phi Psi name alive on campus and at the same time providing support to Westminster College via the sponsorship of annual scholarships.
Such a tremendous show of respect and honor from the Phi Kappa Psi alumni for Bob Epperson. Great example of the Westminster family and spirit. Thank you to the alumni who support this scholarship!