Engineering Degree Partnership With SIU Carbondale Made Official with Visit and Signing

Westminster students seeking a career in engineering can now graduate with two bachelor’s degrees in just five years through a new partnership with Southern Illinois University Carbondale. The partnership was solidified with a visit to Westminster’s campus by SIU Carbondale’s Dean of Engineering, Professor John Warwick, PH.D., P.E., D.WRE, P.H., and his wife.
Students enrolled in the program will complete three years of full-time study at Westminster College, followed by two years at SIU Carbondale. Upon completion of this five-year program, students will receive both a B.A. degree from Westminster and a B.S. degree in an Engineering major of their choice (Civil, Computer, Electrical, or Mechanical) from SIU Carbondale.
Similar partnerships already exist between Westminster and Washington University in St. Louis as well as Missouri University of Science and Technology. The SIU Carbondale partnership widens the range of choices for Westminster students seeking an engineering degree.
“Westminster is excited to partner with Southern Illinois University Carbondale to provide opportunities for students interested in engineering and we look forward to a long-lasting and fruitful relationship between the two institutions,” says Dr. David Jones, “This agreement gives Westminster students a third option for studies in engineering, as it adds to opportunities already afforded to Westminster students through agreements with Washington University and Missouri University of Science and Technology.”
Dr. Jones thanks Prof. Erin Martin for helping to develop this latest partnership, and Prof. Peng Yu, who will oversee the implementation of this partnership agreement.
Learn more about preparing for a career in engineering at Westminster here.