Westminster Education Students Initiated into International Honor Society

Thirteen Westminster education majors, along with six William Woods education majors, were initiated last night into the Nu Rho chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education. The service for families and friends was held in the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury on Westminster’s campus.
The participants, pictured above, include (from left) …
- Dr. Michael Tan, sponsor of the joint William Woods-Westminster chapter;
- William Woods students Alexi Cavins, Shelby Smith, Hillary Hentges and Victoria Honigman;
- new Westminster initiates Paige Quick ’17, Andrea Zalis ’17, Amanda Adkerson, Kaily Marchant ’17, Beth Dyson ’17, Peyton Hall ’18, Katie Valentine ’18, Marissa Landwehr ’18, Alexandra Rauscher ’18, Ashley Fogel ’18 and Madison McKindley ’18;
- and current KDP members assisting with the initiation Lori Hoertel ’16 (outgoing president) and Abi Bax ’16 (outgoing historian).
New members not pictured include Shannon Perrigo and Sydney Kaiser. Congratulations to all!
New officers for the 2016-17 academic year include Westminster students Marissa Landwehr ’18, vice president; Paige Quick ’17, co-vice president; and Madison McKindley ’18, treasurer.
Dr. Jim Concannon was the guest speaker. Other Westminster faculty attending were Mary Majerus, Barri Bumgarner, Bob Cowles, Sue Serota and Linda Aulgur.
To learn more about Kappa Delta Pi, visit kdp.org. For more on Westminster’s education program, visit westminster-mo.edu/academics/majorsminors.